AI Securities Custody

Weak AI

Time limit 3 days 7 days 14 days
Proportion 2% 2.5% 3%

Strong AI

Time limit 3 days 7 days 14 days 30 days 60 days
Proportion 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%

Super AI

Time limit 3 days 14 days 30 days 60 days
Proportion 5% 6% 7% 8%

Ant Warehouse Matrix Dividend

Role Next one generation Next two generation Next three generations
Proportion 5% 3% 1%
The first generation can also enjoy 10% of the pledged amount directly under the next generation (each AI level can only be enjoyed once)

The profit model of Ant Warehouse includes the following aspects, and also shares these revenues with the invitees who successfully share and activate the Ant Warehouse:

Transaction fee income: The platform earns transaction fees by providing quantitative trading services and executing transactions. The invitee who successfully shares and activates the Ant Warehouse will receive a certain percentage of transaction fee income

Technical service fee income: Ant Warehouse may provide technical services and trading tools, such as trading strategy platforms, data analysis tools, etc., to obtain technical service fee income and share a portion with invitees.

Subscription fee income: The platform charges subscription fees to users and provides them with access to transaction strategies and tools. The invitee who successfully shares and activates the Ant Warehouse will receive a portion of the subscription fee

Asset management fee income: Some Ant Warehouse platforms provide asset management services to manage investors' investment portfolios and receive management fees from them. Invitees who successfully share and activate the Ant Warehouse will receive a portion of the management fee

Data sales revenue: Ant Warehouse may generate valuable market data and transaction information through big data analysis and transaction data accumulation. Selling this data to other financial institutions or data analysis companies will also share a portion of the revenue with invitees.

Through this profit model, the Ant Warehouse platform can attract more users to participate and motivate users to actively promote the platform by sharing income. The invitees who successfully share and activate the Ant Warehouse can not only enjoy the services provided by the platform, but also earn additional profits by sharing their income.